Our Structure
The Securities Commission Act, 2021 provides that the Tribunal be composed of at least nine Adjudicators appointed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council. On recommendation of the Minister of Finance, the Lieutenant Governor in Council designates a Chief Adjudicator from among the appointed Adjudicators. The Chief Adjudicator reports to the Board of Directors of the Ontario Securities Commission about operational and administrative matters of the Tribunal. In order to maintain the Tribunal’s independence, that reporting does not include matters related to the Tribunal’s adjudicative function. Neither the Chief Adjudicator nor any other of the Adjudicators holds any other position within the Commission.
Staff of the Commission’s Governance & Tribunal Secretariat administer the Tribunal and support the Tribunal’s performance of its adjudicative function, including by providing legal advisory, and case and hearing management support. In addition, the Commission provides administrative and organizational support services to the Tribunal.
Ontario Securities Commission Charter of Governance
Memorandum of Understanding between the Ontario Securities Commission and the Ministry of Finance