The Capital Markets Tribunal hears different types of proceedings. Each proceeding typically includes multiple hearings. If you are interested in attending a hearing, please consult our Tribunal hearing schedule.
Adjudicative records are documents that relate to a proceeding before a panel (the adjudicator(s) who preside over a hearing). By searching for a proceeding, you can view the adjudicative records associated with that proceeding. The following adjudicative records are currently published on this page, unless a panel orders otherwise:
• Applications
• Notices of Hearing
• Motions
• Notices of Withdrawal
• Decisions
• Orders
• Reasons
• Settlement agreements
Other adjudicative records are available to the public upon request, if practicable, unless a panel orders otherwise. Requests for access to adjudicative records should be made to record@osc.gov.on.ca or by contacting OSC Records at 416-593-3735, TTY: 1-866-827-1295.
In addition, reasons for decisions issued since 2004 are available free of charge on the Canadian Legal Information Institute website (CanLII).
For more information or assistance with inquiries relating to current proceedings before the Tribunal, contact the Registrar at registrar@capitalmarketstribunal.ca.